It felt very hard to manuever the dragon which is essential to dodge the onslaught of enemies and projectiles flying towards you at all times. The overall feel was good for the most part.

The music sounded great and reminded me of classic OSTs from the past. I never had any slow down or lost frames when playing. Visually the game looks fantastic and runs very well. Mastering this game will require good map awareness as you can see enemies on the radar on the top right of the screen. You also can move the camera around the dragon as you can be attacked from all sides. You must also manuever your dragon around obstucles and attacks. You have a lock on ability and can also rapid fire shots when you're not holding down the shoot button. You are centered on the screen and shoot at enemies before you. Panzer Dragoon is an on rail shooter akin to Star Fox. Two dragons awaken and you are entrusted with an armored blue dragon to fight and stop the prototype dragon from reaching the tower. The story is okay, you are hunting with a group when you stumble upon some ancient ruins. Playing the remake of the original was exciting to see the roots of where it started. While I have never played the original Panzer Dragoon, I did play Orta on XBOX which I loved dearly.

You can download Panzer Dragoon: Remake and top steam games with GameLoop to play on PC. Panzer Dragoon: Remake, is a popular steam game developed by Panzer Dragoon: Remake.