I'm your host sage, and I'm joined by my co host and unpaid intern, my dad. Hello, and welcome to Episode Four of the teen horror cast, where we watch and discuss horror movies from a team perspective. Get your FREE Teen Horror Cast Stickers (while they last):
broken bones, civilization, and packing well for camping. how the mona lisa is like the blair witch. unstable friend groups and why three is a tricky group number. what the film reveals regarding human empathy. It is presented as film and video that was discovered in the woods of Maryland while searching for the missing film makers who, it is stated early on, remain missing. Williams, and Joshua Leonard each playing characters that share their actual names. Directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez, the fictional documentary stars Heather Donahue, Michael C. Released in 1999 and produced for around sixty thousand dollars, The Blair Witch project grossed over two hundred and fifty million dollars and was one of the first so-called found-footage horror films. Additionally we will be hard core spoiling this movie! This film in particular is one that you should watch before we discuss it. As always, if that feels like it might be too much for you, you should head for the escape hatch and skip this episode. This movie and our discussion of it feature a bit of body horror and gore.
Teen Horror Cast Episode 4: The Blair Witch Project